Saturday, August 4, 2012

Use your imagination.

So it's a strange phenomenon this world we live in.

We sold the house, and I sorta found out through Facebook.

Not kidding you.

Here I am in Seattle and Papi tried to call me about it.  Problem was, it was when I was trying to tell my bitch of a back to shut the fuck up in the hot tub.

Now, Papi is someone who lives his life publicly, ... 

... i wouldn't know anything about that know, would i? ...

... and he couldn't reach me, so he started talking about it on Facebook and I caught up to the news that way. 

He's a fast mover that Papi.

Today I went on, while thinking Papi was sleeping off the Graveyard Coma all day, but find out other-wise.

I saw that Papi had maliciously teased me, by posting TRANNY CHASER on my wall.

That could be confused with hate and bullying!

The horror!

... removes tongue from cheek ...

He obviously read my blog.  Now I knew he did that as well.

The next thing I found out about was that mi esposo guapo is out there drumming up options for me for places to live. 

He's put it right up there on Facebook.

Looking for a home for me.

It really didn't hit me until this morning, we're moving out soon.

We're actually going to need a home as of September 20th.

Imagine this scene would you?

This is what our Xterra looks like.

So, now imagine the back window has Papi's company, "Raining Cats and Dogs" in white letters.

Next, imagine the back with an array of stickers.  One that reads, "Motorcycles are everywhere.  Open your fucking eyes!"

That one gets us phone calls about our conduct of driving on the road with a company name and profanity.

We just tell them to fuck off.

Now, imagine this little vehicle pulling a U-Haul cubicle.

At this point, the inside will be filled with the following:
Papi at the wheel.
A large kennel in the back for two cats.
A smaller kennel on the back seat with another cat in it.
A one-eyed Golden Retriever in the passenger side of the back seat, hanging out the window panting.
Me in the passenger seat popping Rescue Remedy pastilles.
A chihuahua on Papi's lap.
Are you seeing it?

This is our reality to get to Nova Scotia.

All that's really missing is us with a chicken hanging out the window.

Well, now I have time to rest until the next Gender Odyssey function we're going to; dinner.

i am courageous


  1. Replies
    1. it was exciting until last night.

      life throws things at'cha that you'd least expect.

  2. Well now I have to know what happened last night? Are you ok?

    1. too much to talk about. just barfed it out on today's blab.


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