Thursday, July 5, 2012

I understand so much now.

I suppose if she's allowed to assume for me, then I'm allowed to assume for her.

Especially since she won't talk to me about it, so here's my assumption.

The way our friendship was severed was not like any 'little' friend's spat.  It was more like, "That's it!  I've had it!  That was the last straw!!!"

Even though I didn't know there were any straws being pulled.

I'm pretty sure by going back over all the emotional belting I received, that it's all about resentment.  It usually is.

Here's my take on it:

I was so gung-ho before my motorcycle accident.  As one person said, "Andréa will never give up.  She'll just keep going until she succeeds."

I used to work so hard that people would tell me I was going to give myself a heart attack.

Then the accident came, and to find the energy just to get out of the chair was a day long task.

To walk to the bathroom and back took all my strength and I had to sleep for 4 hours afterward just to recuperate.

Hence, I am not the same person I used to be.  I don't overwork myself, because I can't.

I don't have the strength, energy or brain power.  These things happen when you have lived through brain injury.

Problem is, she saw me so enthusiastic about music before, and now I'm much more lackadaisical about it.

I don't really have a choice.  That aggressively dedicated girl was taken from us in the accident.  I've had to say goodbye to her.

Only problem is, if you're not living in my body/mind, you could never understand, because to everyone else, it seems she's still here.

I look the same.  I don't look like I'm disabled, yet, I am.

She wanted me to have the same passion as I did with HECTOR, however, I didn't have that girl to call upon with BlueLight.

Therefore, the majority of the work fell on her lap.

I couldn't possibly do everything she did.

Just to find the energy to get to my computer is impossible when my bitch of a back is nagging at me.  I just hide and berate myself for not doing anything.

She did everything and furthermore, spent everything by creating her own record company, now that I'm on disability.

I can see where the resentment came from.

She can't see that I'm not the same, so she assumed that I'm just not into it.  Confirmation came with her words, "I always knew you weren't into this as much as me, and now this proves it."

She decided for me that I quit the project because I sold a few items.  It's not about the items, it's not about me moving, it's the fact that she'd had enough of being the head honcho trying to lead around a horse and cart with a carrot.

She'd had enough, and now our friendship is over.  It's killing me, but I'm getting closer to letting it go.

There's nothing I can do about our friendship, that decision was up to her.

And on that note, I'd like to purge a bit of HECTOR.  If you'd like a free cd, I have a few, just check out the HECTOR fan page and it will tell you how to get them.

I can't bring them with me to the Dominican Republic.  I can only bring a few and leave the rest in storage with my baby sister.

I can't rock out for HECTOR anymore, because I can't stand and hold my bass, so in essence, I have actually given up on that project.  It's all for licensing now.

I can't send you any free BlueLight, because I'm not the owner of it.  You'll still have to pay for those ones, but I'd do it soon, because it looks like it's only a collector's item now, and besides, I'd love for her to recoup the money she spent on it.

Anyway, I've had time to think about it and I completely understand her side, not that it makes it any easier.

It makes me angry at the person who hit me on my motorcycle all the more for changing my life.

i am loving and accepting of myself just as i am


  1. I appreciate your candidness on this situation and how the accident has affected your Life now - hopefully it will touch others about the effects of brain injury and the like. it's hard for people to understand when you don't 'look' disabled. much love to you A xo

  2. darn auto correct - not *touch* - it supposed to say teach. D'oh!

    1. touch/teach ... maybe the same eh sweety? no, people could never understand my mind.

      i fuck up so much.

      i feel like a lunatic sometimes

  3. losing fiends sucks, like your not in enough pain already, but a real friend would see that, maybe it's time to let go and look to the future some pain you can leave behind :)

    1. i'm learning to let go ... learning learning learning ...

      so much to learn

  4. Why don't your back problem meds work is it not strong enough? Don't self medicate, can lead to bad results!

    1. the only way i can answer you is to suggest that while riding your motorcycle, get thrown at 50km, tumble off the hood of a car, fly 15 feet through the air and land on your head, requiring you to learn to walk and rewire your brain for memory.

      at that point, you'll understand why my pain meds don't work for the pain.

      in the meantime, go back to your aspirin for your 'headaches'.

      self medicate? indeed. it's the only way i won't kill myself from insanity of chronic pain.

    2. So sorry to hear that happen. I meant keep medicated don't stop.

    3. thank you for clarifying :) it's really difficult to understand if you're not living with it, but like today, if i didn't have them, i wouldn't have been able to study my spanish, because i'd be too busy crying from pain.

      i get a little defensive, as i've been living as a clean and sober person, who knows when to use medication for good and not evil.

    4. It's super easy to take the offence from anonymouse posts. I read your blog quite often and want to offer support as an outsider that's all. Your blog is open, frank and honest which is why I read and try something positive, so thank you for that. Your blog is quite balanced unlike other blogs that seem to hide stuff

      I might blog myself one day, but I am nothing interesting.

      - Darren

    5. It's super easy to take the offence from anonymouse posts. I read your blog quite often and want to offer support as an outsider that's all. Your blog is open, frank and honest which is why I reply and try to offer something positive, rather than the obligatory blowing smoke up your ass things you want to hear, thank you for that. Your blog is quite balanced unlike other blogs that seem to hide stuff

      I might blog myself one day, but I am nothing interesting.

      - Darren

    6. Darren, thank you for giving a name. it's so nice to get to know another reader. i'm sorry if i sounded harsh, but yeah, i've had so many people try to tell me i 'shouldn't' take pain killers.

      i appreciate your support. thank you for being here and being one of the reasons i continue to write.

  5. Some folks wont try to understand and believe they have all the right answers, despite what we tell them. A i think our brains are better off for the reality check, and lessons we've learned from all the pain and shite. Thank you for sharing, you help this dog feel less lonely on my own healing journey

    -mr wolf

    1. :) i know you understand. if you've never lived with chronic pain, you can't understand. those who don't understand should go build a commune with Tom Cruise.

  6. Self medication is better than struggling to survive in constant pain. Fuck me Im tired of hearing people saying take manufactured chemicals when they have NO IDEA what its like.

    1. nope. no fucking idea. if i can't move because the pain is too much, then i lie there and wince and whine, will they be there to listen to it, witness it, and think that it's an ok way to live?

      is that living?

      nope. i take my pain meds because i'd like to live thank you very much.

  7. Ooorah sis! the second, irritated blurb was me too ;)
    -mr wolf

    1. haha! i'm glad you identified yourself! i think everyone should just get their google profile so i know who you are.

      i don't like not knowing!!!! lol!! i like names and then i can remember who's been here and get to know people.

      ya know?


  8. So A, here is something you do not know. My Mom, the most brilliant woman in the world, is taking a backwards travel to what you have been through. She has a disease where her brain is becoming calcified. She is doing the backwards to what your brain is doing, she will be losing ability. Your blog has been showing me what to expect, and really, you are an inspiration. If people don't get it, they won't. |My mom quit her job because she was accused of being *drunk* on a conference call, no, she slurs. it is part of her disability. I thought my parents going away was overdone, now I see it is about getting away from people who just not understand. So sad. But you are you. Brilliant, smart, and if someone does not appreciate that, their loss.

    1. god jamie i'm so sorry to hear this. that is so hard. i am impressed with your mom continuing to work as much as she can.

      i can't imagine what your fears are right now. sweety, that's so hard. i'm glad i can lend at least a smidgen of my experience to help you see a side of your mom.

      the slurring.

      yeah, i was accused of being drunk because i wobbled.

      people fucking suck.


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