Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I'm going for a job interview today.

I'm really only looking for a day or two a week.

We have to see if I can handle it.

As my doc said, "Let's see if it doesn't kill you."

I'm sorta nervous.

Mostly because I say silly things when I'm nervous.

Put an interview for a job in the mix of nervous, and anything could come out of my mouth.

Last two interviews were cut short.

One, because I was not able to lift more than 20 lbs.

The other, because she immediately berated me because my animal experience wasn't on the résumé.


I figured non-traditional training wasn't right to put on there.

However, in the crankiest way possible, she told me so.

Anyway, this job is with small and exotic animals.

I know I can pick those up on a good day.

I think they should just hire me to be the door greeter for all the animals like they do at Wal-Mart.

I'm good at greeting.

Animals like me.

People on the other hand?

It's hit or miss.

I'm one of those that you either love or hate.

I'm cool with it, because the people who love me, love me greatly!

None-the-less, I'm nervous.

I still hope they love me.

I can't think of a better day job than to be surrounded by fuzzy, scaly or feathered critters of love.

Except those creepy crawly ones.

I don't want to be in the building when someone brings their pet tarantula in for a check up.

... shudders ...

However, I gotta run now.

My coffee isn't finished like it usually is before my blob/blab.

It's a tragic way to start the day.

to be beautiful means to be yourself.  you don't need to be accepted by others, you need to accept yourself ~ Thich Nhat Hanh


  1. Cool! Good luck and tell us how it goes!

    Tarantulas are pretty slow and boring, for the most part. I have 13. They are sort of like pet rocks, except you can't use them as effective paperweights...

    1. omg katy i can't believe that!!! you have them!?!?! they're really the only critter on the planet i can't handle lol!

  2. You didn't leave me time to give unsolicited advice! sure to keep breathing! Breathing is wonderful. I bet you know that. And really, in any job interview, you are there to show them that they would be missing a great opportunity if they didn't hire you. You show them that what you know and can do is what they need.

    I bet you can do that. I hope you did!

    1. it went really well. i think they got to see my passion for animals as well. now it's all about deciding if they want to hire a p/t or f/t person and finish their interviews. i should find out next week ... even if i don't get it, they were very nice and i want to work there. so that's a good positive feeling.

  3. Wow - that would be a great job! You would be perfect for such a job. The animal world NEEDS people like you!!!!!!! You get my vote..... ;)

    1. :) i wish you were the one hiring twister! lol!

  4. Sounds like a perfect job! Good luck.

  5. I like to set the mood in a job interview by telling people that I don't take no shit from anybody, and I get my breaks!

    1. lol! i tried that on the last interview. i didn't get the job hehe


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