Monday, March 21, 2011

Denied Access!!

While we were out for the muddy walk with 2 of the four-leggers, I told Papi that there will be no more 'hiding' and running away in secrecy when the hormones are to be used.

Mi esposo is so respectful when there's no jester to be playing with.  Papi will use those nasty hormones and try to conceal it from me.

But I always know.

It's more stressful for me to pretend I don't know, than it is for me to have the information.  I think it will work out better if Papi just tells me, "I'm going to go do it now, so don't come in the bedroom."

Or whatever room happens to be the space for my love.

I guess I am healing and I am accepting.  I suppose this is how it works.

Whatever is going on, I felt so much more relief at saying those words to my love.  It felt like perhaps it was a moment of us walking on the same path.

Later on that night, my love came up to give me a goodnight kiss.  I saw it as my moment to pounce.

My version of pouncing is to 'hint' that perhaps I may want a little Papi time.

Mi esposo laughed and we went at it.  But, every once in a while we have the passion patrol to deal with.

The one eyed retriever.

Sometimes, I start getting a little Papi love and that crazy animal will bark at us.  It's not in a playful manner either.  It's serious!

We can't figure out if he thinks my love is hurting me or not.  There have been times that the 'hurt' is intentional and in a fun way.

The Golden doesn't like it.  He's terrified that Papi is hurting me without my consent and there's nothing we can do to calm him down.

Last night, when the lovin' was on the move, The Golden jumped on to the bed and sat on my legs with his back to us.  He was just staring at the wall.

When we didn't stop the good times, he moved over to Papi and tried sitting there.

Well, our laughing and loving kept moving right along and he finally left the room.

phew!  i can't have pillow lust with a furry staring at me!!!

Those kisses from my love are so addictive.  I don't know what it is.  Mi esposo's touch brings me to a place no other has ever taken me.  I can move with freedom knowing that those strong hands will always keep me hooked into their magic.

I felt the strength to explore the 5 Foot Clitoris.

Here it was!  The moment we've all been waiting for!!!!


It just so happened it was one of those times that Papi doesn't want to be touched.


First I almost cried.  I had a moment of paranoia.

papi doesn't desire me?!

My love said not to get any strange thoughts.  That I shouldn't be worried, "I just don't feel like it."

I trusted my love to tell me the truth.  I relaxed my brain, and went back to those enslaving kisses.

But damn!  Just when I thought I was brave enough to go exploring, I was denied access.

Guess I'll just have to try again.


  1. If at first you don't succeed... ah you know the rest of it.
    Andrea babe... watching your journey from my computer screen I see just how far you have come, and I find myself thankful I have met you, and thankful you chose to share, and proud to call you a friend.

  2. As border said....:)

    My sister had a Jack Russell terrier that had a habit of sucking on cushions, pillows - the edge of a mattress. At the time she lived in a studio flat - all one room. The dog also liked to sleep in the bed, Sarah said whenever the dog got booted out of bed so she and the guy whose now her husband could get 'cosy' they would here these loud sucking noises from the corner of the room, and always at the worst moment.

  3. @border: ty ... you truly are my friend

    @dirty: this is so fucking funny! our animals ... good lord ... rotten fuzzies.

  4. i dated a guy in vancouver who had a lot of pets, and 2 of them were dogs. we were going at it one night, and one of the dogs started making that noise they make just before they barf...we JUST made it out of the way. and i'll let your imagination tell you where his head was on my body, as that's right where the barf almost landed!

  5. My dogs don't bother us anymore. But the bigger one of the two was always weird about it when she was younger.

  6. wow interesting read :)
    Dogs just don't understand people, the way people understand people...

  7. I wonder if she was just into the moment, and didn't want to lose it?

    Also, lol at your dog. I kick my cat out when I need "me" time. It's too awkward to have her staring at me, LOOOOOL.

  8. I have to agree, having a furry and fuzzy animal in the room is like having an audience LOL I just tell my dog SCOOT-CH and he leaves the room LOL I have him trained!

    I agree with what Border said ... if at first you don't succeed then .... GO GET 'EM TIGER lol



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